Thursday, November 29, 2007

PODCAST into your classroom.

Podcast has been one of the most useful and effective technologies in the recent days. Podcasting can be used to download audio and video contents over the internet. With the help of Podcasting a user can collect music and movies as well as download academic multimedia materials such as simulation of webcasting or creating a powerpoint presentation. It is very important for online users to get acquainted with this technology. Every online learner should know what a Podcast is and how it works.Check this video. It is an A to Z simulation of what Podcast is, how it is used and why it is unique.It also shows how Podcasting can be introduced into classroom.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The beauty of Online Learning

Online learning is the process of learning that takes place on the computer screen over the Internet. A learner does not need any specific class time to attend or follow since lectures are posted online by the Instructor. The work required is a lot less compared to a regular course. I did not realize it until I started taking the course known as Education4766 (Web based learning). The completion of this course will be no less than achieving an Online Degree since it has taught me to contact the teacher and fellow students in the class by emailing and blogging. Our Instructor posts all the project outlines and deadlines for submission on the web, we access it and work accordingly. The best part is it helps me to save a lot of time that I get to spend on my other courses because I do not require to discuss matters with my classmates as all the materials are attached and posted on the class website. It is an excellent process of learning.

The beauty of Online learning fascinates me so much that I had decided to desgin a website based on the topic of Online Learning. This website was created as an assignment for Education 4766 in Fall 2007. The website discusses Online communication and assessment tools.
Here is the link to my website:

The usefulness and flexibility of Online Education are discussed in the movie that I have attached below. Listen to what some of the teachers have to say about online learning. Visit :

Usefulness of Self Directed Learning (SDL)

Most learners in the world of Online education today are highly dependent on SELF DIRECTED LEARNING. SDL is an excellent way of educating oneself where an individual can perform an academic or work related task by the help of Internet with just a computer. Many online degrees today are offered through Distance Education Institutions that are completed through the supervision of SDL.

There are few drawbacks of SDL such as accessiblilty to Internet is always required. However, there are more advantages over disadvantages since SDL saves the learner a lot of money as it does not require the hassel of buying pen and papers for a lecture. It does not require the learner to go to class since SDL takes place in Virtual Classroom.

SDL helps the learner to learn through self supervision that gains them confidence. Both students and teachers are capable of SDL learning as long as they have the proper requirements such as Internet, Computer and relevant softwares required for using academic sources.

Given below is the cycle of Self Directed Learning created in a report at Syracuse University:

Self Directed Learning plays a very important role in Distance Education. Read this journal for further informatuon regarding SDL in Distance Education: