Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Special Thanks to Education 4766

It has been a great pleasure to be able to work with this class and complete this course successfully. Web Based Learning has made huge contributions to my life and I can admit it with confidence and pride today. I have acquired knowledge regarding almost every type of Web Based tool there is now on the web and I know how to use them all. Also I have learnt to handle online courses which prepares me for my future plans with Online degree that I have in mind after Graduation from University of Lethbridge. This course has taught me more than what I could have possibly imagined.Im proud to complete this course.It was a fun semester. My Special thanks to Education 4766.My special thanks to our Instructor Lorraine Beaudin.My special thanks to my fellow classmates who have helped me with solutions when I had problems.My Special thanks to those of you who took the time to visit my blog even for a second.Im wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year.God Bless all of you.

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